Saturday, September 4, 2021

A Functioning Modern democracy...

A Functioning Modern democracy...

A functioning modern democracy ought to ensure that civil servants work for the rest of the population. In the private sector, firms are accountable through the market. In the public sector, state officials are meant to be accountable through the ballot box. If they are not so accountable, human nature being what it is, they eventually will start to suit themselves.

- THE NEW ROAD TO SERFDOM - A Letter of Warning to America by DANIEL HANNAN

The Rule of Freedom:

The Rule of Freedom:

"Everyone could live by the rule of freedom — do what you want to as long as it doesn’t interfere with the freedom of others — if large numbers of people really saw that and grabbed it and lived by it, then all problems would not exists any more. These resolves themselves, as people lives in pure freedom and do what they wants, WITHOUT HARMING ANYONE." 

#theruleoffreedom #rule #freedom #liberty #libertarian #happiness #individualism #individuality #individual #independence #independent 

"Nobody owns freedom, and nobody can give it away, either...."

 "Nobody owns freedom, and nobody can give it away, either...."

 "Nobody owns freedom, and nobody can give it away, either. Each of us takes it, as much as we can handle and usually a little more, and if we screw it up we can’t blame anybody but ourselves. Maybe I had taught her, but I still hadn’t learnt what Gibbs had been trying so hard to teach us all: to be grown-up enough not to need other people to tell us what to do." 
- LIFTER, Crawford Killian. 

#freedom #nobodyownsfreedom #nobodycangiveitaway 

Howard Roark's Speech in The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand

Howard Roark's Speech in The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand

"Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire. He was probably burned at the stake. He had taught his brothers to light, but he left them a gift they had not conceived, and he lifted darkness off the earth.

"Throughout the centuries, there were men who took first steps down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision. The great creators--the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors--stood alone against the men of their time. Every new thought was opposed, every new invention was denounced, but the men of unborrowed vision went ahead. They fought, they suffered, and they paid, but they won.

"No creator was prompted by a desire to please his brothers. His brothers hated the gift he offered. His truth was his only motive. His work was his only goal--his work, not those who used it, his creation, not the benefits others derived from it, the creation which gave form to his truth. He held his truth above all things and against all men.

 "He went ahead, whether others agreed with him or not, with his integrity as his only banner. He served nothing and no one. He lived for himself, and only by living for himself was he able to achieve the things which are the glory of mankind. Such is the nature of achievement.

 "Man cannot survive, except through his mind. He comes on earth unarmed. His brain is his only weapon, but the mind is an attribute of the individual. There is no such thing as a collective brain. The man who thinks must think and act on his own. The reasoning mind cannot work under any form of compulsion. It cannot be subordinated to the needs, opinions, or wishes of others. It is not an object of sacrifice.

 "The creator stands on his own judgment. The parasite follows the opinions of others. The creator thinks. The parasite copies. The creator produces. The parasite loots. The creator's concern is the conquest of nature. The parasite's concern is the conquest of men. The creator requires independence. He neither serves nor rules. He deals with men by free exchange and voluntary choice.

 "The parasite seeks power. He wants to bind all men together in common action and common slavery. He claims that man is only a tool for the use of others, that he must think as they think, act as they act, and live in selfless, joyless servitude to any need but his own.

 "Look at history. Everything we have, every great achievement, has come from the independent work of some independent mind.

 "Every horror and destruction came from attempts to force men into a herd of brainless, soulless robots without personal rights, without personal ambition, without will, hope, or dignity. It is an ancient conflict.

 "It has another name--the individual against the collective.

 "Our country--the noblest country in the history of men--was based on the principle of individualism, the principle of man's inalienable rights.

 "It was a country where a man was free to seek his own happiness, to gain and produce, not to give up and renounce, to prosper, not to starve, to achieve, not to plunder, to hold as his highest possession a sense of his personal value and as his highest virtue his self-respect.

 "Look at the results.

 "That is what the collectivists are now asking you to destroy, as much of the earth has been destroyed.

 "I am an architect. I know what is to come by the principle on which it is built. We are approaching a world in which I cannot permit myself to live.

 "My ideas are my property. They were taken from me by force, by breach of contract. No appeal was left to me. It was believed that my work belonged to others to do with as they pleased. They had a claim upon me without my consent, that it was my duty to serve them without choice or reward.

 "Now you know why I dynamited Cortlandt. I designed Cortlandt. I made it possible. I destroyed it. I agreed to design it for the purpose of seeing it built as I wished. That was the price I set for my work. I was not paid. My building was disfigured at the whim of others who took all the benefits of my work and gave me nothing in return.

 "I came here to say that I do not recognize anyone's right to one minute of my life, nor to any part of my energy, nor to any achievement of mine, no matter who makes the claim.

 "It had to be said. The world is perishing from an orgy of self-sacrificing.

 "I came here to be heard, in the name of every man of independence still left in the world. I wanted to state my terms. I do not care to work or live on any others. My terms are a man's right to exist for his own sake."


Without infringing upon OTHERS's Freedom, Liberty, Independence, Individualism, and Pursuit of Happiness.

Live and Let Live.

Getting Along without impeding each other in any way, shape, or form.

This is the highest IDEALS a person can have.

Collectivism means loss of freedom, liberty, independence, individualism, and pursuit of happiness, including LOSS OF IDENTITY.

Without freedom, liberty, independence, individuality, indivisualism, there is no identity.

Collectivism means being submissive to the state, the group, the gang.

Just THINK... the leader of the state, the group, the gang, is the ones who benefits FROM YOUR SUBMISSION, YOUR SLAVERY.





Why Doctors Do Not Take Chemo

Why Doctors Do Not Take Chemo

75% of doctors themselves have been shown in studies to REFUSE standard Chemo Therapy. Chemo has 1000's of papers written on it. That is odd don't you think? Why do we as a society solely pin our hopes on a for profit industry that doesn't mind profiting off our sickness and our death as in Chemotherapy, and is the ONLY ones producing the scientific studies? Can I ask why we then trust them when they would be out of business if they ever found a low cost cure for anything?

The great lack of trust is evident even amongst doctors. Polls and questionnaires show that three doctors out of four (75 per cent) would refuse any chemotherapy because of its ineffectiveness against the disease and its devastating effects on the entire human organism. This is what many doctors and scientists have to say about chemotherapy:

“The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.” (Allen Levin, MD, UCSF, “The Healing of Cancer”, Marcus Books, 1990).

“If I were to contract cancer, I would never turn to a certain standard for the therapy of this disease. Cancer patients who stay away from these centers have some chance to make it.” (Prof. Gorge Mathe, “Scientific Medicine Stymied”, Medicines Nouvelles, Paris, 1989)

“Dr. Hardin Jones, lecturer at the University of California, after having analyzed for many decades statistics on cancer survival, has come to this conclusion: ‘… when not treated, the patients do not get worse or they even get better’. The unsettling conclusions of Dr. Jones have never been refuted”. (Walter Last, “The Ecologist”, Vol. 28, no. 2, March-April 1998)

“Many oncologists recommend chemotherapy for almost any type of cancer, with a faith that is unshaken by the almost constant failures”.(Albert Braverman, MD, “Medical Oncology in the 90s”, Lancet, 1991, Vol. 337, p. 901)

“Our most efficacious regimens are loaded with risks, side effects and practical problems; and after all the patients we have treated have paid the toll, only a miniscule percentage of them is paid off with an ephemeral period of tumoral regression and generally a partial one” (Edward G. Griffin “World Without Cancer”, American Media Publications, 1996)

“After all, and for the overwhelming majority of the cases, there is no proof whatsoever that chemotherapy prolongs survival expectations. And this is the great lie about this therapy, that there is a correlation between the reduction of cancer and the extension of the life of the patient”. (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)

“Several full-time scientists at the McGill Cancer Center sent to 118 doctors, all experts on lung cancer, a questionnaire to determine the level of trust they had in the therapies they were applying; they were asked to imagine that they themselves had contracted the disease and which of the six current experimental therapies they would choose. 79 doctors answered, 64 of them said that they would not consent to undergo any treatment containing cis-platinum – one of the common chemotherapy drugs they used – while 58 out of 79 believed that all the experimental therapies above were not accepted because of the ineffectiveness and the elevated level of toxicity of chemotherapy.” (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)

“Doctor Ulrich Able, a German epidemiologist of the Heidelberg Mannheim Tumor Clinic, has exhaustively analyzed and reviewed all the main studies and clinical experiments ever performed on chemotherapy .... Able discovered that the comprehensive world rate of positive outcomes because of chemotherapy was frightening, because, simply, nowhere was scientific evidence available demonstrating that chemotherapy is able to ‘prolong in any appreciable way the life of patients affected by the most common type of organ cancer.’ Able highlights that rarely can chemotherapy improve the quality of life, and he describes it as a scientific squalor while maintaining that at least 80 per cent of chemotherapy administered in the world is worthless. Even if there is no scientific proof whatsoever that chemotherapy works, neither doctors nor patients are prepared to give it up (Lancet, Aug. 10, 1991). None of the main media has ever mentioned this exhaustive study: it has been completely buried” (Tim O’Shea, “Chemotherapy – An Unproven Procedure”)

“According to medical associations, the notorious and dangerous side effects of drugs have become the fourth main cause of death after infarction, cancer, and apoplexy” ( Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998)

Free Online Video Resources

You'll have to google these titles for the videos, the links are dead.

Big Bucks / Big Pharma :

A World Without Cancer :

Food From the Matrix :


This is why doctors are untrustworthy bastards. They are dishonest. They are greedy. 

They sell out our health for their golf clubs. Time to do away with these scumbags.

Time for Libertarian, where real health is taken back into our own hands. 

Too bad for them who would have us be dumbed down, made into slaves, and forced to eat their swill.

I would like to know if they will show us how useful their crap are. If you're told to take this pill or that pill, ask them to take it themselves to prove the safety of the pill. See what I mean? 

They won't, of course. They know the pill's dangerous, they're willing to poison us and turn us into repeat customers so they lives off us like parasites do.

We have no room for parasites. We kill them off. We are born into independence, as Nature intends.

Thus, Libertarianism means that these parasites cannot exists in a Libertarian world. They cannot function.

Libertarianism means DO NO HARM. Whatever you creates, and sell, must do no harm.

Businessmen, by choosing Unethical methods, Unethical patenting, Unethical products, have DONE MORE HARM in the few years of 19th, 20th and now the 21st Centuries. 

Big Pharma is a business, parasitising off sick people for so long we've been brainwashed into thinking it is normal. Medical and Dental industry have becomes a gigantic parasite, feeding off sick people, and we thought it was normal. 

Ethically, it is not normal. 

It is vampirism. It is parasitism. It is.. in a word, UNETHICAL. 

The only way to turn negative health into positive health, is changing things around until medical and dentistry suits US, not the practitioners.

I doubt if this will happens. 

So abdicate from these sick, psychopathic parasite people and be free!

Libertarianism means finding solutions to whatever problems that you faced, and using those same solutions to fix your problems, no matter how hard it is.

Live Long and Prosper.

defman 2009

Books / eBooks

 Books / eBooks

"Self-Reliance, Self-Sufficiency, and Self-Responsibility."

-defman, 2009

Health, Healing, History:

One Minute Cure, by Madison Cavanaugh

Curing With Cayenne, by Sam Biser with Dr Richard Schulze

The Drug Story, by Morri A. Bealle

Discourse on the Sober Life, by Luigi Cornaro

Gardening, Growing Your Own Foods:

The Pyramid, by Les Brown

Common Sense Compost Making, by Maye E. Bruce


Conquest of the Land Through Seven Thousand Years, by W. C. Lowdermilk


Why Governments Doesn't Work, by Harry Browne

How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World, by Harry Browne

Business, Self-Help:

Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke, by Randy Gage


Search the internet and find the ebooks above, and you'll find them easily. Print them out if you like, and armed yourself with the right knowledge for your life, and you'll have REAL control of your life. This is true independence. True Libertarian. This is REAL life.

The alternative is strangers telling you want to eat, to think, to feel. That is no way to live. That's also not Nature's way to live. Nature built us to be free. Not slaves as these negative-empty-heads money-slavers would have us be.

With freedom you are in control of your life, health and destiny. No one has the right to tell you want is right or wrong, what is real or fake, what is good or bad. No one. Only YOU. This is real freedom. This is real life. This is real independence. The choice is yours. Slavery or Independence.

Libertarian forever! Live long and prosper!

--defman, 2009




Why Governments Doesn't Work, by Harry Browne

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, by Harry Browne

NOTE: Compiler of This Little Notebook:

Libertarianism is a principle which supports your rights to life, property, freedom and happiness. Libertarianism means being left along to decide your own fate, instead of being "guided" (forced) by the "state" who decides what's best for you based on his/her own estimates instead of your own estimates of life situations, etc. Libertarianism is the ONLY logical step after collectivistsm such as communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, corpserationism, and governmentalism. There maybe more more systems that are like these collectivisism, update this file and spread it around. We must combat the evils of collectivisms, and encourage the spread of Libertarianism, as it is the only way for all of us to cooperate together the growth of real life, real prosperity, real happiness, real weatlh, for ALL, not just the selected "elite" few who thinks they know what is best for us. Libertarianism is the only way out of the nightmare of collectivisms. Libertarianism is the next logical step for our species, as a human race. Next step is the stars, we can do IT! With real FREEDOM, HAPPINESS, and LIBERTY!

Just google, scroogle, or use any search engine to find the Libertarian websites, plenty are growing in abundance. Soon we'll reduce the governments of our planet and grow our own personal power over our own lives. To be my own boss, that is the greatest freedom I choose for myself. I don't bother you, nor force you, or do anything against your will. You must decide if you want one of the collectivism or freedom to decide your own fate. To be independent, strong and well, that is Libertarianism. No other collectivism do for you. None of them. 1984 by George Orwell was my first introduction to the evils of collectivisms. Then some movies about communisms, socialisms, nazisms, fascisms, and on and on and on. Each worse than the last. None of them I agree with. Libertarian, however, is the greatest principles by which I agree, totally, wholeheartedly, unreservedly, in my soul and bones, and blood, and flesh, and in my mind, perfect. Libertarian is the only way. There is no other way.

Because if you want real FREE ENERGY and INVERSE GRAVITY VEHICLES (anti-gravity) devices for us NOW, instead of some mythical "next year, five years time, or ten years, twenty years" line that the media spouts, choose Libertarian, and spread the word.

Similarly if you want REAL health which actually cures your ailments, heals your body properly, which the Medical Mafia, Big Pharma, and et al, does not want you to discover or have, then choose Libertarianism as it is the only choice you can have to obtain methods that offers you real heatlh, such as the One Minute Cure, by Madison Cavanaugh, and Curing With Cayenne, by Sam Biser with Dr. Richard Schulze.

How about growing your own real organic vegies, fruits and the like in your own powerful pyramid greenhouse which grows bigger vegies, fruits and the like, than you'll ever seen in your life? Then see The Pyramid, by Les Brown, an amazing book which will helps you understand what is REAL, and possible, with foods. You can have a real organic healthy foods that you can grow with absolute confidence in your trust for real foods without all the industrial chemical fertilisers garbage (made for weapons) that the present farmers are poisoning their crops with.

Hell, you can grow your own peppers and be absolutely sure of real heat units that can help heal what ails you, as written in the Curing With Cayenne book above. Though you'll have to have a special area for composting humus set aside from the pyramid greenhouse, as the earth energies harvested by the pyramid prevents decaying matter in the compost. So it would be best to obtain Common Sense Compost Making, by Maye E. Bruce, with a special recipe which you can make your very one QR Quick Return Organic Compost Activator, with which you'll make your own quick compost/humus matter to make real organic, mineral-rich, soil, and best of all, you don't need "manure' that have dangerous microbes or anything. Using just vegetable matter, leaves, flowers, grass, any organic plant, you can turn them into rich compost/humus, with which you can grow high-mineral, organic foods, and flowers for making more QR Quick Return Organic Compost Activators for future use. Boy, ain't this FUN!

By choosing Libertarianism, you automaticall becomes independence, a real free thinker and you can change your life to suits YOU, not "THEM" who would have you sick, dumb and broke and DEPENDENT on them. The problem with BIG businesses is that they loose the sight of real people and becomes psychopathically focused on profits at the expense of real people that they are ruining in the process. Read The Drug Story, by Morri A. Bealle. Indeed, the real criminals are so brazen, you'll recognised them instantly. You'll be amazed. You'll be outraged. You'll want to go forth with your weapons and try to destroy them. I have a better idea. Do it from within. Do it one by one. Be independent, and then you can withdraw yourself from them. You'll never have to lend your manpower, your working hours, for their benefits. How about it? If more and more of us abandoned the useless parasites that these "business"men are, they'll loose, and becomes no more. We'll have real doctors who DOES care about each and every one of us, and are not at the beck and call of medical mafias, drug peddlers, and the like ilk.

Here's the kicker. Doctors will not use chemotherapy simply because it doesn't really work that much. It kills more than it heals. I know, I watched my ma suffered through. It was a stroke of luck that I managed to obtain Kombucha and grew my own brew, and have ma drink a cup a day. It helps her deal with the chemocrap and she went into remission. So far, it's been over ten years since. It convinces me that doctors are just playing... at being doctors. That's all they do, pumping out drugs and pretening they're doing no "harm" like their "oaths" says that they do. Crap. They're nothing more than dangerous psychopaths with a license to kill. That's all they are. Scum. And right along with them are the drug peddlers, pushing dangerous chemical poisons and pretending that they're doing their bit to help us be well. Ha! They're only doing it for one reason only: MONEY. That's all. NOTHING else. They do not have any feeling for any of us who have gotten sick on their shit.

The truth is in the book, The Drug Story. You'll choose to abandoned their sick world for independence becausel, the truth is, by being independence, you can choose to live well or sick. It's your choice. Libertarianism means you choose life, health, and of course, real financial independence from work that do not preys on anyone, work that give high value to those who knows your work is of high worth. This is real busines, real life, real prosperity. Not products that builds up cumulatively and then reduces your health to shatters and then killing you with chemos, or worse. Real independence means using methods that are not contrary with Nature who in her vast wisdom knows what works, and the One Minute Cure, and Curing With Cayenne, works infinitely better than the concoction the apothcaries brews in their low labs. Indeed, becoming Libertarian turns the planet into simplicity. Turns the vast confusion of health into simplicity. It's child's play, period. Forget ever getting real health from fake doctors who professes to care for your life. In your hands I bequeaths these truths. In your hands you can gather the right infos, gather the right materials, and finally, use the materials that actually works to heal your ailments and helps you control the dis-ease that was brainwashed into you by years of media's negativity.

Google, scroogle, search engines the ebooks here, you'll find them, it's easy. Have a look at, search for the titles of those ebooks there, and you'll find them too. It's easy. By knowing the real history of what works to benefits your health, you'll can find them and take back control of your health from the fake doctors who are slaves to businessmen, who, in turn, are slaves to the money they so desperately desired to cleave to, in their dusty way. Have fun. It's real nice having solutions to problems that I thought I would never be able to heal or be free. Now, at last, I am absolute.

I choose Libertarian because I have my own personal plans in making my life better. I do not want to force anyone to follow my plans as I do not know what suits them, only they know what suits them. They have their own plans to follow. The point is that with Libertarianism, you follow no one, and no one follow you, just the principle of being free to choose. I want to improve my life, and do my bit to make this world better, by little things, such as recycling, composting, my wastes and keeping my foods clean and growing my crops in soil-enriched-with-ORGANIC-compost/ humus-matter-and-rock-dust, so keep the mineral and vitamin content as high as NATURALLY possible. No chemical crap for me. Nor any GM-freaks foods for me. This is my FREEDOM OF CHOICE. I DARE anyone to fight me for my right to CHOOSE! It is my choice. I can neither eat some foods as they disagree with my constitution. But under the collectivism system, they would force me to eat what they "think" is good for me, to the DETRIMENT of my health. This, I would fight, to the death if necessary. I CHOOSE Libertarianism, nothing else. I have no choice. My body changes, and no doctors, nor dentists, no any kind of pharmaceutical idiot, would understands. They only understands their own body's reactions to foods, Natural, or otherwise. They do not have the right to understand my body nor my mind. I only say this once. I CHOOSE Libertarianism.

LIBERTY or Death!

The choice is Yours.

There is no MIDDLE ground.

defman, 2009

Books / eBooks

"Self-Reliance, Self-Sufficiency, and Self-Responsibility."

-defman, 2009

Health, Healing, History:

One Minute Cure, by Madison Cavanaugh

Curing With Cayenne, by Sam Biser with Dr Richard Schulze

The Drug Story, by Morri A. Bealle

Discourse on the Sober Life, by Luigi Cornaro

Gardening, Growing Your Own Foods:

The Pyramid, by Les Brown

Common Sense Compost Making, by Maye E. Bruce


Conquest of the Land Through Seven Thousand Years, by W. C. Lowdermilk


Why Governments Doesn't Work, by Harry Browne

How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World, by Harry Browne

Business, Self-Help:

Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke, by Randy Gage


Search the internet and find the ebooks above, and you'll find them easily. Print them out if you like, and armed yourself with the right knowledge for your life, and you'll have REAL control of your life. This is true independence. True Libertarian. This is REAL life.

The alternative is strangers telling you want to eat, to think, to feel. That is no way to live. That's also not Nature's way to live. Nature built us to be free. Not slaves as these negative-empty-heads money-slavers would have us be.

With freedom you are in control of your life, health and destiny. No one has the right to tell you want is right or wrong, what is real or fake, what is good or bad. No one. Only YOU. This is real freedom. This is real life. This is real independence. The choice is yours. Slavery or Independence.

Libertarian forever! Live long and prosper!

--defman, 2009

Why Doctors Do Not Take Chemo

75% of doctors themselves have been shown in studies to REFUSE standard Chemo Therapy. Chemo has 1000's of papers written on it. That is odd don't you think? Why do we as a society solely pin our hopes on a for profit industry that doesn't mind profiting off our sickness and our death as in Chemotherapy, and is the ONLY ones producing the scientific studies? Can I ask why we then trust them when they would be out of business if they ever found a low cost cure for anything?

The great lack of trust is evident even amongst doctors. Polls and questionnaires show that three doctors out of four (75 per cent) would refuse any chemotherapy because of its ineffectiveness against the disease and its devastating effects on the entire human organism. This is what many doctors and scientists have to say about chemotherapy:

“The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors.” (Allen Levin, MD, UCSF, “The Healing of Cancer”, Marcus Books, 1990).

“If I were to contract cancer, I would never turn to a certain standard for the therapy of this disease. Cancer patients who stay away from these centers have some chance to make it.” (Prof. Gorge Mathe, “Scientific Medicine Stymied”, Medicines Nouvelles, Paris, 1989)

“Dr. Hardin Jones, lecturer at the University of California, after having analyzed for many decades statistics on cancer survival, has come to this conclusion: ‘… when not treated, the patients do not get worse or they even get better’. The unsettling conclusions of Dr. Jones have never been refuted”. (Walter Last, “The Ecologist”, Vol. 28, no. 2, March-April 1998)

“Many oncologists recommend chemotherapy for almost any type of cancer, with a faith that is unshaken by the almost constant failures”.(Albert Braverman, MD, “Medical Oncology in the 90s”, Lancet, 1991, Vol. 337, p. 901)

“Our most efficacious regimens are loaded with risks, side effects and practical problems; and after all the patients we have treated have paid the toll, only a miniscule percentage of them is paid off with an ephemeral period of tumoral regression and generally a partial one” (Edward G. Griffin “World Without Cancer”, American Media Publications, 1996)

“After all, and for the overwhelming majority of the cases, there is no proof whatsoever that chemotherapy prolongs survival expectations. And this is the great lie about this therapy, that there is a correlation between the reduction of cancer and the extension of the life of the patient”. (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)

“Several full-time scientists at the McGill Cancer Center sent to 118 doctors, all experts on lung cancer, a questionnaire to determine the level of trust they had in the therapies they were applying; they were asked to imagine that they themselves had contracted the disease and which of the six current experimental therapies they would choose. 79 doctors answered, 64 of them said that they would not consent to undergo any treatment containing cis-platinum – one of the common chemotherapy drugs they used – while 58 out of 79 believed that all the experimental therapies above were not accepted because of the ineffectiveness and the elevated level of toxicity of chemotherapy.” (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)

“Doctor Ulrich Able, a German epidemiologist of the Heidelberg Mannheim Tumor Clinic, has exhaustively analyzed and reviewed all the main studies and clinical experiments ever performed on chemotherapy .... Able discovered that the comprehensive world rate of positive outcomes because of chemotherapy was frightening, because, simply, nowhere was scientific evidence available demonstrating that chemotherapy is able to ‘prolong in any appreciable way the life of patients affected by the most common type of organ cancer.’ Able highlights that rarely can chemotherapy improve the quality of life, and he describes it as a scientific squalor while maintaining that at least 80 per cent of chemotherapy administered in the world is worthless. Even if there is no scientific proof whatsoever that chemotherapy works, neither doctors nor patients are prepared to give it up (Lancet, Aug. 10, 1991). None of the main media has ever mentioned this exhaustive study: it has been completely buried” (Tim O’Shea, “Chemotherapy – An Unproven Procedure”)

“According to medical associations, the notorious and dangerous side effects of drugs have become the fourth main cause of death after infarction, cancer, and apoplexy” ( Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998)

Free Online Video Resources

Big Bucks / Big Pharma :

A World Without Cancer :

Food From the Matrix :

defman's words

This is why doctors are untrustworthy bastards. They are dishonest. They are greedy. They sell out our health for their golf clubs. Time to do away with these scumbags.

Time for Libertarian, where real health is taken back into our own hands. Too bad for them who would have us be dumbed down, made into slaves, and forced to eat their swill.

I would like to know if they will show us how useful their crap are. If you're told to take this pill or that pill, ask them to take it themselves to prove the safety of the pill. See what I mean? They won't, of course. They know the pill's dangerous, they're willing to poison us and turn us into repeat customers so they lives off us like parasites do.

We have no room for parasites. We kill them off. We are born into independence, as Nature intends.

Thus, Libertarianism means that these parasites cannot exists in a Libertarian world. They cannot function.

Libertarianism means DO NO HARM. Whatever you creates, and sell, must do no harm.

Businessmen, by choosing Unethical methods, Unethical patenting, Unethical products, have DONE MORE HARM in the few years of 19th, 20th and now the 21st Centuries. Big Pharma is a business, parasitising off sick people for so long we've been brainwashed into thinking it is normal. Medical and Dental industry have becomes a gigiantic paraiste, feeding off sick people, and we thought it was normal. Ethically, it is not normal. It is vampirism. It is parasitism. It is.. in a word, UNETHICAL. The only way to turn negative health into positive health, is changing things around until medical and dentistry suits US, not the practicioners.

I doubt if this will happens. So abdicate from these sick, psychopathic people and be free!

Libertarianism means finding solutions to whatever problems that you faced, and using those same solutions to fix your problems, no matter how hard it is.

Live Long and Prosper.

defman 2009

A Functioning Modern democracy...

A Functioning Modern democracy... A functioning modern democracy ought to ensure that civil servants work for the rest of the population. In...